Relational Data Theory: A Few Concepts Worth Knowing

Relational data theory is the process of modeling how data should be organized in a database system. E.F. Codd introduced the relational data model in 1970 while working at IBM. Prior to this, data was stored in files, in a hierarchical structure. Accessing data in this kind of structure was challenging and required custom programming. … Read more

Window Functions – Making Your SQL Life Easier

SQL window functions have been around for some time now (they were part of the SQL 2003 ISO standard). However, adoption has taken time in some database systems. For example, they weren’t introduced in MySQL until MySQL 8 (2018). Window functions are functions that aggregation data, but are returned to the un-aggregated row. For example, … Read more

Data Analysis: My End-to-End Approach

Introduction Have you ever been given a set of data files, asked to clean, model, analyze, and visualize them? This is a post on doing exactly that type of data analysis. Together, we are going to complete this objective, step-by-step. The goal is to understand how to properly analyze datasets in a methodical way. We … Read more

Time Series Analysis For Digital Analytics in R (Pt. 3)

Introduction Time-series analysis is a powerful way to predict events that occur at a future time. In this post I am going to be following up from three previous posts (Pt 1 –>, Pt 2 -> and Introduction to Time-Series –> In Pt 2, I used a dummy dataset to show how to create an ARIMA … Read more

Time-Series Analysis For Digital Analytics in R (Pt. 2)

Introduction Time-series analysis is a powerful way to predict events that occur at a future time. In this post I am going to be following up from two previous posts (Pt 1 –> and Introduction to Time-Series –> and I’m going to mainly use the forecast package to explore an ARIMA time-series model in R. Retrieving … Read more