Time Series Analysis For Digital Analytics in R (Pt. 3)

Introduction Time-series analysis is a powerful way to predict events that occur at a future time. In this post I am going to be following up from three previous posts (Pt 1 –> https://rebrand.ly/l1tf4p1, Pt 2 -> https://rebrand.ly/zjgpw8v and Introduction to Time-Series –> https://rebrand.ly/z4lomwu). In Pt 2, I used a dummy dataset to show how to create an ARIMA … Read more

Time-Series Analysis For Digital Analytics in R (Pt. 2)

Introduction Time-series analysis is a powerful way to predict events that occur at a future time. In this post I am going to be following up from two previous posts (Pt 1 –> https://rebrand.ly/l1tf4p1 and Introduction to Time-Series –> https://rebrand.ly/z4lomwu) and I’m going to mainly use the forecast package to explore an ARIMA time-series model in R. Retrieving … Read more

Time-Series Analysis For Digital Analytics in R (Pt. 1)

Introduction Time-series analysis is a powerful way to predict events that occur at a future time. One of the most common uses in eCommerce is for sales events. In this post I am going to use the forecast package to explore an ARIMA time-series model in R. I have covered what an ARIMA model is … Read more